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Bivariate life distribution models are of importance for studying interdependent components. We present a generic approach by introducing a new concept of characterized model in stead of a characterized distribution. It strikes a balance between characterization and modeling approaches to eliminate their individual limitations and incorporate their respective strengths. The proposed model, being a characterized one, admits many important properties irrespective of the choice of marginal distributions. The retention of univariate IFR, DFR, IFRA, DFRA, NBU, and NWU class properties in the bivariate setup has been ensured along with some results on series combinations and convolution. No other models, available in the literature, can ensure simultaneous retention of these fundamental and extremely important class properties. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   
Failure rate and mean residual life are two important characteristics for studying reliability of products. In literature, some work studied the shape of failure rate function based on the knowledge of the associated probability density function; some other work investigated the shape of mean residual life function based on the shape of the associated failure rate function separately for continuous case and discrete case. In this article, a general approach is developed which can be applied to the aforementioned studies. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   
An age‐dependent repair model is proposed. The notion of the “calendar age” of the product and the degree of repair are used to define the virtual age of the product. The virtual failure rate function and the virtual hazard function related to the lifetime of the product are discussed. Under a nonhomogeneous Poisson process scenario the expected warranty costs for repairable products associated with linear pro‐rata, nonrenewing free replacement and renewing free replacement warranties are evaluated. Illustration of the results is given by numerical and graphical examples. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004.  相似文献   
两汉与匈奴的和战维持了四百多年,持续如此之久的战争和复杂多变的关系在中国历代民族关系史中是绝无仅有的,本文从战争的角度分析战争的原因、特点及双方得失,着重探讨两汉中央政府西进策略的得失。  相似文献   
针对小波分析在机械故障诊断应用中的快速算法和小波基选择存在的问题,对常用的正交、半正交、双正交小波提取信号特征的能力进行了分析比较,研究表明半正交B样条小波因具有线性相位和采用较长的分解序列而具有较好的频率局部化特性和较小的变换误差,具有比较好的综合性能。推导了正交小波包的图形显示算法,利用该算法解决了小波变换快速算法中存在的数据长度随分解层数成倍减小的问题。研究结果为机械故障诊断中选择小波基进行信号处理提供了依据和途径。  相似文献   
弹着点模拟是对敌火力打击目标毁伤仿真的重要环节。在分析炮兵营射击误差构成与计算方法的基础上,研究建立了炮兵射击的弹着点散布蒙特卡洛(Monte-Carlo)仿真模型,实现了对集火射向、适宽射向、三距离射击等多种火力打击方式共同作用下的弹着点散布模拟,为目标毁伤仿真研究提供了模型支持。以此为基础,通过分析各组误差对毁伤概率的影响,发现对于炮兵营打击面散布目标来说,营共同误差是影响毁伤概率的最显著因素,应当通过提高测定目标位置和气象准备的精度减小误差以提高对目标的毁伤效果。  相似文献   
跨性别交际是社会语言学的一个重要分支。本文从话题的选择、会话功能的判断、对沉默的反应以及最小应答四个方面,分析了跨性别交际中存在的交际失误现象。基于这些交际失误,提出了相应的解决办法,如:教师在课堂教学中尽量使用中性词语,教师要通过言传身教使性别平等的观念深入人心,等。  相似文献   
针对防区外多导弹协同突防要求导弹能够成功突破敌防御系统并击中目标的问题,提出了一种基于虚拟目标的复合制导规律。首先,在敌雷达探测范围的边缘设置虚拟目标,将导弹制导过程分为制导段Ⅰ和制导段Ⅱ。然后,研究了一种基于攻击时间和攻击角度控制的制导规律,使导弹在制导段Ⅰ按指定时间和角度追踪到虚拟目标,导弹转入制导段Ⅱ后在以攻击时间最短为指标函数的最优制导规律导引下攻击真实目标。仿真结果表明该复合制导规律大大提高了多导弹的整体突防能力。  相似文献   
在分析剩余射程影响因素的基础上,以弹道特征参数弹道高y及速度矢量分量Vx和Vy为解释变量,以回归分析方法为数学工具,建立脉冲末修弹剩余射程预测模型。以目标点与弹丸预测落点之间的差值为广义弹道偏差,结合数值仿真,对落点预测导引进行深入研究,验证了回归分析模型的可行性。  相似文献   
为研究月壤参数对气囊缓冲性能的影响,根据“嫦娥三号”的着陆工况设计了月面着陆气囊,并基于可压溃泡沫模型建立了考虑月壤特性的气囊缓冲动力学模型。对不同月壤下气囊的缓冲过程进行分析,发现月壤越软有效载荷冲击加速度越小,但气囊会陷入月壤中,不利于对外排气,影响其缓冲效果。因此,采用气囊峰值压力、有效载荷最大加速度和最大下落高度3个指标对气囊缓冲性能进行综合评价,定量研究了月壤参数的影响规律。结果表明:月壤密度、剪切模量及屈服参数a0和a1对缓冲性能的影响较大,且对前两个指标为正影响,对后一个指标为负影响。进一步研究发现,这4个月壤参数与3个缓冲性能指标之间〖BHDWG8,WK10YQ,DK1*2,WK1*2D〗〖XCZX.TIF;%129%129〗听语音 聊科研与作者互动 均为指数函数关系。  相似文献   
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